Basket of WIPs

Earlier today I posted this photo of my Basket of WIPs on Instagram, and I received quite a few comments about my project bags. It dawned on me that while I talk about my WIPs - the patterns, the yarn, the needles - each week on my podcast, I very rarely talk about the project bags. I suppose that is the nature of the audio podcast vs. the video podcast where hosts usually show the bag, too.
Some girls are into shoes, others makeup. Me? Yarn & project bags. And given that this is a blog for a knitting podcast, I am sure that 99.9% of you feel the same way.
So, let's talk about the project bags.
Starting in the top left corner, the T.A.R.D.I.S. yarn bag is from Casey of Tangerine Designs. Inside you will find my Uncle Argyle double-knit scarf for Carlos.
Moving clockwise, you can barely see the zipper behind the Lorax bag, we have the Starry Night T.A.R.D.I.S. box bag from Stitched by Jessalu with the Big Bang Theory scarf inside. Given the current size of the scarf, this bag really is bigger on the inside.
In front of that one, we have the Doctor Who sock bag from Slipped Stitch Studios bag of the month club back in the fall. Carlos's new sock is resting in there.
Next, another Slipped Stitch Studios bag with owls and my Christmas stripy socks.
Front & center in the basket we have the Thneed Lorax bag from Tangerine Designs. This one does not have a WIP inside, but the yarn set aside for the Argyle Vest that I am planning to knit for my nephew.
Last in the basket we have the Dalek box bag from Birdleg Bags with - you guessed it - the Dalek I am knitting for Carlos.
In front of the basket on the left is my Erin.Lane bag from STITCHES East last fall where my Katie sweater currently rests.
Then that large Doctor Who bag? That would be from Slipped Stitch Studios. As the club packages were ready to ship, Laura emailed all of us to let us know that she had a few extra bags if we wanted to purchase them to be shipped with the order. How could I pass up the large bag which has enough room for my Rocky Coast, 3 balls of yarn and various other notions?
What are some of your favorite project bags?
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