Podcasts I Enjoy - Audio Edition
I owe you all an episode - back to mid-week recording later this week. I had every intention of recording on my way home from CT Sheep & Wool on Saturday; however when one does not attend said festival, one cannot possibly record on the way home. Too many places to be, spread out too far across our relatively tiny state. Where is a teleporter when you need it? In the meantime, how about a blog post?
One day last week I posted this photo on Instagram, noting that I was glad to have my phone filled with podcasts to keep me company. My commutes have been just awful last week and today, too.

I follow about 35 audio podcasts fairly regularly; however for many I had fallen woefully behind. I sync my iPhone to my computer with the preferences set that it keeps the 3 most recently unplayed episodes for each podcast on the phone. Then when I periodically sync the phone it will remove the played episodes and replace them with any other unplayed episodes. This has worked for me for the most part. Except when Apple did an update and decided to get all wonky. I downloaded Downcast as a possible replacement - just haven't had the chance to try it out yet.
Anyway, a lovely listener commented on Instagram that she'd love to see my list, so here are the podcasts in my rotation, alphabetically. [Also you should check out Rachel's blog. She is a fantastic scrapbooker and knitter. I am constantly inspired by her projects! Thank you Rachel for encouraging me to share my podcast playlist :-)]
2 Knit Lit Chicks
A Playful Day
Brass Needles
Caithness Craft Collective
Cast On
Craft Life
Down Cellar Studio
Electric Sheep
Fiber & Fabric
Fiber Hooligan
Happy Camper Fibers
High Fiber Diet
Hollywood Knitter
It's a Purl, Man
Jane & Jen Knit Funny
Just One More Row
Knit 1 Geek 2
Knit Knit Cafe
Knitmore Girls
Knitting Brooklyn
Knitting Pipeline
Never Not Knitting
Ready Set Knit
Savvy Girls
Stash & Burn
Sticks & String
Subway Knits
Twin Set Designs
Yarn on Tap
Yarn Thing
A wide variety of weekly, every two weeks, monthly, and more sporadic (hey, we all know life can get in the way!). Some have one host, others have two, or are a host with a guest. Some are instructional, some conversational, and others fall somewhere in the middle. All are highly entertaining and I could definitely see myself having a cup of tea and knitting with any of these delightful women - and men, too!
From time-to-time I even listen to non-knitting podcasts - usually when Carlos and I are on a road trip. That is when these shows make it to the rotation: (can you sense a theme?)
DIS Unplugged
The Nerdist
The Pixar Podcast
WDW Radio Show
WDW Today
Do you have any podcasts - knitting or otherwise - that are staples in your rotation? Feel free to share in the comments! I am always looking for new (or new-to-me) shows to check out. :-)
Happy knitting,
One day last week I posted this photo on Instagram, noting that I was glad to have my phone filled with podcasts to keep me company. My commutes have been just awful last week and today, too.

I follow about 35 audio podcasts fairly regularly; however for many I had fallen woefully behind. I sync my iPhone to my computer with the preferences set that it keeps the 3 most recently unplayed episodes for each podcast on the phone. Then when I periodically sync the phone it will remove the played episodes and replace them with any other unplayed episodes. This has worked for me for the most part. Except when Apple did an update and decided to get all wonky. I downloaded Downcast as a possible replacement - just haven't had the chance to try it out yet.
Anyway, a lovely listener commented on Instagram that she'd love to see my list, so here are the podcasts in my rotation, alphabetically. [Also you should check out Rachel's blog. She is a fantastic scrapbooker and knitter. I am constantly inspired by her projects! Thank you Rachel for encouraging me to share my podcast playlist :-)]
2 Knit Lit Chicks
A Playful Day
Brass Needles
Caithness Craft Collective
Cast On
Craft Life
Down Cellar Studio
Electric Sheep
Fiber & Fabric
Fiber Hooligan
Happy Camper Fibers
High Fiber Diet
Hollywood Knitter
It's a Purl, Man
Jane & Jen Knit Funny
Just One More Row
Knit 1 Geek 2
Knit Knit Cafe
Knitmore Girls
Knitting Brooklyn
Knitting Pipeline
Never Not Knitting
Ready Set Knit
Savvy Girls
Stash & Burn
Sticks & String
Subway Knits
Twin Set Designs
Yarn on Tap
Yarn Thing
A wide variety of weekly, every two weeks, monthly, and more sporadic (hey, we all know life can get in the way!). Some have one host, others have two, or are a host with a guest. Some are instructional, some conversational, and others fall somewhere in the middle. All are highly entertaining and I could definitely see myself having a cup of tea and knitting with any of these delightful women - and men, too!
From time-to-time I even listen to non-knitting podcasts - usually when Carlos and I are on a road trip. That is when these shows make it to the rotation: (can you sense a theme?)
DIS Unplugged
The Nerdist
The Pixar Podcast
WDW Radio Show
WDW Today
Do you have any podcasts - knitting or otherwise - that are staples in your rotation? Feel free to share in the comments! I am always looking for new (or new-to-me) shows to check out. :-)
Happy knitting,
My list is about the same as yours. I also love This American Life, The Splendid Table, CraftLit and Forgotten CLassics.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggestions! Will check these out.