Commuter Knitter Podcast - Episode 83 - The Long Lost Episode

Where has November gone?!  I recorded this episode on November 6th and whoosh, here we are on December 3rd.  Also, I have recorded Episode 84 already, so be on the lookout for that one this weekend or early next week!

You've Arrived At Your Destination

Chanchito by Kristen Jancuk


Halloween Socks - His
Halloween Socks - Hers

Halloween Socks


NaKniSweMo - Pomme de Pin

Finish-Along until the end of 2014 - #ckfal2014

Down Cellar Studio Pig Skin Party

Knitting Room!
Craft Room
Knitting Room

Destash Page

Road Trips

Rhinebeck 2014
Rhinebeck 2014

Come Find me on the Interwebs
Ravelry - ndjen04
Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast
Twitter - @CommuterKnitter
Facebook - Commuter Knitter
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Instagram - ndjen04


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