Commuter Knitter - Episode 71 - Knitter's Guilt and Moving Forward
Drive Hat for Dad Oranje in Frabjous Fibers Wonderland Yarns Mad Hatter. New LYS in Newtown, CT - The Sheep Shoppe !! ( Facebook page) Rainbow Dash Skyp Rib Socks - yarn from Cuppycake Yarnz on Etsy . I mention EmilyStraw from the Knitting Butterflies Podcast and Susie from the Prairie Girls Knit & Spin Podcast Monkey by Cookie A in Lorna's Laces Solemate Cargo Holiday Yarns Flock Sock - a surprise from my husband! Your Mileage May Vary What are your preferred sock needles? DPN's, magic loop, 2 circs, small circs? Let us know in this week's episode thread in the Ravelry group Road Maps I talk about winding yarn twice to relieve some of the tension in the cake of yarn - thank you to a wonderful listener for the suggestion! I mention the Dark Matter Knits podcast by Elizabeth Green Musselman Traffic Report Deborah Tomasello is writing a book about o...