Podcasts I Enjoy - Audio Edition 2014

Lately, I have been posting photos on Instagram to share the audio podcasts that have been keeping me company on my (long) drive to and from work. Many have commented that they have found new shows to listen to, or were even inspired to start listening to podcasts altogether thanks to my sharing these photos. Since it the list is too long for an Instagram comment (although I tried!), I thought it'd be a great idea to update the list that I had posted awhile back to add in the new or new-to-me shows that have made the rotation on my Downcast app. The list has grown quite a bit!

Without further ado:
2 Knit Lit Chicks
Actually Knitting
Brass Needles
By the Fibreside
Caithness Craft Collective
Canary Knits
Carolina Fiber Girls
Cast On
Craft Life
Curious Handmade
Down Cellar Studio
Electric Sheep
Fiber & Fabric
Fiber Hooligan
Fluffy Fibers
Happy Camper Fibers
High Fiber Diet
Hollywood Knitter
It's a Purl, Man
Jane & Jen Knit Funny (no longer recording new episodes)
Just One More Row
Knit 1 Geek 2
Knit Knit Cafe
Knit Spin Cake
Knit Wits
Knitmore Girls
Knitting Butterflies
Knitting Pipeline
Knitting Pretty
Knotty Girls Knitcast
Lost Geek
Mastering the Knits
Never Not Knitting
Prairie Girls Knit and Spin
Ready Set Knit
Sampler Girl
Savvy Girls
Stash & Burn
Stitched Together
Subway Knits
Tapgurl on the Go
Twin Set Designs
Yarn on Tap
Yarn Thing
Yarns at Yin Hoo
Some of these shows may be on (extended) hiatus, but I have included them anyway because they are all worth a listen in my humble opinion. And as I said before: A wide variety of weekly, every two weeks, monthly, and more sporadic (hey, we all know life can get in the way!). Some have one host, others have two, or are a host with a guest. Some are instructional, some conversational, and others fall somewhere in the middle. All are highly entertaining and I could definitely see myself having a cup of tea and knitting with any of these delightful women - and men, too!

If you are ever looking for more podcasts, I highly recommend following the Knitting Podcast blog or joining the Podcast Junkies group on Ravelry. There are many more shows out there and I am always adding to my playlist. If you know of any others that are a "must listen", or perhaps you have one yourself, please do not hesitate to share in the comments below.
Happy Listening!
Thanks, there are quite a few I was not aware of. I'm going to subscribe and check them out.
ReplyDeleteOnes not on your list that I enjoy:
Ewe University
Kitchen Stitches - I got to know Somer at a retreat in May
Knitcircus Podcast
Ladies of the Knit
Knitting Rose
Thanks for the awesome recommendations, I have lots of new podcasts to check out now!