Commuter Knitter - Episode 77 - A Valiant Effort
Camp Loopy 2014
Ginny's Cardigan in a Fat Squirrel Project Bag

Zigzagular Socks by Susie White of the Prairie Girls Knit and Spin in a One Twisted Tree bag by Susie's co-host Danie

Trip Planner

Tan House Brook
Monkey Socks
Halloween Socks
Dad's Hat
June's Favorite Cardigan
Your Mileage May Vary
Who knows what I was trying to ask during this segment? Really just thinking aloud about monogamous knitting vs. polyamorous knitting. Maybe we should call it focused knitting? Anyway, if you could follow my train of thought, feel free to share in this week's episode thread in the Ravelry group.
Road Maps
Check out the blog for a review of Modern Baby Crochet by Stacey Trock
Don't forget about the giveaway for Mystic Shawls full review on the blog
Ginny's Cardigan in a Fat Squirrel Project Bag

Zigzagular Socks by Susie White of the Prairie Girls Knit and Spin in a One Twisted Tree bag by Susie's co-host Danie

Trip Planner

Tan House Brook
Monkey Socks
Halloween Socks
Dad's Hat
June's Favorite Cardigan
Your Mileage May Vary
Who knows what I was trying to ask during this segment? Really just thinking aloud about monogamous knitting vs. polyamorous knitting. Maybe we should call it focused knitting? Anyway, if you could follow my train of thought, feel free to share in this week's episode thread in the Ravelry group.
Road Maps
Check out the blog for a review of Modern Baby Crochet by Stacey Trock
Don't forget about the giveaway for Mystic Shawls full review on the blog
Road Trips
Yarn Garden, Littleton, NH
Lots of goodies!

String Theory
Romney Ridge
Stitch N Pitch at CitiField - September 14th @ 1:10 pm
Western CT Yarn Crawl - Facebook - September 26-28th
STITCHES East - Hartford, CT - October 9th-12th
NYS Sheep and Wool - Rhinebeck, NY - October 18th-19th
Yarn Garden, Littleton, NH
Lots of goodies!

String Theory
Romney Ridge
Stitch N Pitch at CitiField - September 14th @ 1:10 pm
Western CT Yarn Crawl - Facebook - September 26-28th
STITCHES East - Hartford, CT - October 9th-12th
NYS Sheep and Wool - Rhinebeck, NY - October 18th-19th
Come Find me on the Interwebs
Ravelry - ndjen04
Ravelry Group - Commuter Knitter Podcast
Twitter - @CommuterKnitter
Facebook - Commuter Knitter
Email -
Show notes -
Google + - Commuter Knitter Podcast
Instagram - ndjen04
Thank you for your podcast, Jen. I commute via public transit. Truth be told, I try to sleep on the way and knit while listening to podcasts on the way home (two hours each way). I am monogamous with my knitting, until the knitting becomes too big to tote around, it remains in my living room to accompany my netflix adventures. So, I have a boneyard shawl in the living room (my mum's Christmas pressie…almost half finished) and a cowl in my commuter bag. Knit Pretty, CnitterCatey